Manage a Network of Module Systems
As a company matures with product architectures, the need to manage module systems more efficiently increases.
Larger module systems often span several disciplines, or external parties take ownership of different areas as the complexity of the module system expands.
Another challenge for manufacturers is when their products branch out into different but similar platforms. This type of overlap can bring an economy of scale for the reuse of common components but also a challenge in managing the overlap systematically.
A Systems of Systems approach solves these challenges and many more with a structure that enables ease of reuse of modules and architecture data.

Shared Module System
When a product portfolio is fulfilled by several Platforms with a portion of common technology, this is called a Shared Module System. In this scenario, several Module Systems can reuse one Module System. The inverse also applies where one Module System can reuse several Module Systems.
Complex Products
When a product is a complex combination of other products or sub-systems in different design disciplines, this is referred to as a complex product. In this scenario, a Module System can include other Module Systems, also consisting other Module Systems. In some instances, Module Systems can be a product of its own system.
System Configuration
When a System or Line combines several individual products designed to operate together, this is called System Configuration. In this scenario, the top-level Module System defines several critical properties that control each equipment’s Module System.
In large module systems, the ownership is often assigned to each subsystem. This separation of ownership creates an accessible overview and clarification of responsibilities. It enables better and more accurate management.
Access Management
Large organizations need to control product architecture access for various stakeholders. When working with large module systems, flexible access control allows a module system to be broken down into smaller module systems. With this structure, each stakeholder can be allocated dedicated space and information tailored to their needs. This approach to access management is well-suited for working with external suppliers.
As Module Systems grow, the corresponding datasets also increase in proportion. This growth eventually begins to affect performance and ease of navigation. By subdividing a Module System into several smaller Module Systems, the size of the datasets decreases, leading to improved performance and overview.
How to Manage a System of Modular Systems? and Why?
As manufacturers look to evolve their product architecture maturity and increase the value for customers, they often find a gap between their current capabilities and their targets. Add into the equation products with a large scope or high level of complexity, and it can be increasingly challenging to keep pace with the competition. This journey requires the right tools and a product architecture capable of customization to support the evolution.
View our webinar to learn how modular companies are gaining a competitive advantage with a modular framework across platforms and system levels.
How Does PALMA Help You?
Module System Owner and Product Managers
Separated and distributed module systems create a clear view of the important module system information for your needs. With the option to subscribe to information, PALMA users receive automatic updates. Additionally, when publishing data, you control what information is available to others.
R&D units separated by geography or function enjoy a seamless way of working with unique or distributed module systems while still aggregating information in central ownership. Even the most complex and extensive product architectures and configuration scenarios benefit from improved performance, shorter lead time, and increased efficiency.
Let's meet to Try PALMA
Book a meeting with us to explore how PALMA fits your needs. A PALMA Demo is 45 min long and we will then go through these agenda points with you:
- Introductions and alignment, 5 min
- The PALMA idea, 5 min
- Use Cases and Capabilities, 10 min
- PALMA demo, 20 min
- Questions and answers, 5 min
The agenda points can be adjusted depending on your specific interest and need.