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Market Segmentation

Translate Customer Values to Product Properties

Successful companies have always put the customer needs at the center. How well aligned and documented is your company´s understanding of values held by different customer segments and how these values differ across geographies? And are they linked to your products’ features?

When developing or managing your product platforms over time it’s crucial to have a well-documented market segmentation that directs the potential need for product harmonization. This intelligence needs to be aligned, easily shared and accessible across your organization.

With PALMA you have a comprehensive tool to structure, analyze and share market segmentation insight across your organization. With this vital data in hand, your business can make impactful decisions on your product assortment based on real customer needs.

This is the market-driven foundation on which a profitable product platform is built.

Market specification

Customer Value Ranking

Customer segments have different priorities. In the Customer value ranking tool, customer values are ranked per segment. This gives the first indication of what needs vary in the product assortment and what can be standardized.

Development Portfolio Evaluation

Evaluate ongoing R&D projects based on what product properties they will impact. this can identify projects with miss-aligned targets or projects needed to close identified gaps in product performance.

Segment Ranking

To know what to focus on when designing a product assortment, it is important to prioritize the customer segments. This can be done in the Segment Ranking tool based on evaluation criteria such as growth, market share, profitability

Property Benchmark

Benchmark the target or current assortment against competitors products. this identifies gaps and development needs on product properties. 

Quality Function Deployment

In the quality function deployment tool, customer values are explored and clarified. When connected to product properties, it becomes clear how to design the products to fulfil the customer values.

Commercial Offering

Create commercial packages of specification levels you want to offer to the market. This gives an outline of the product assortment at an early stage and provides a clarity for engineering. Long before the detail design starts.

How to Create Needs-Based Market Segmentation?

To create successful product platforms it is critical to understand who the customers are, and what needs they have. By analyzing what the customers are looking for and how existing products are performing, strategic decisions can be taken about the required flexibility and development of the product platform. 

How Does PALMA Help You?

Sales Manager

Sales will reduce sales times, and commercial decisions will be faster when commercial and technical configurations are synchronized with PALMA. Customer commitments will be fulfilled with better margins and quality.

Product Portfolio Manager

Product portfolio manager can master and align commercial, technical, product and module plans in one tool. With PALMA changes and dependencies are updated in real time and planning conflicts are easy to spot.

Business Manager

PALMA is a management systems. Business leaders will make better decision with higher revenue and margins due to better transparency and insights in costs, margins and volumes. Increased agility to meet new market requirements and customer needs Information will be shared and transparent end-to-end from market requirements, product planning, design, development, sales configuration, operations and service.

Let's meet to Try PALMA

Book a meeting with us to explore how PALMA fits your needs. A PALMA Demo is 45 min long and we will then go through these agenda points with you:

      • Introductions and alignment, 5 min
      • The PALMA idea, 5 min
      • Use Cases and Capabilities, 10 min
      • PALMA demo, 20 min
      • Questions and answers, 5 min

        The agenda points can be adjusted depending on your specific interest and need.